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Working hours key to happy employees

  • Katy
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National Careers Week aims to encourage companies to think about their employees’ wellbeing and happiness and new research has asked British workers about the things they most want from their work. The YouGov surveyof 2,000 adults, commissioned by the Oxford Open Learning Trust, found that while money is predictably the biggest motivator behind career choice […]

Car, bus, bike or train – How do you get to work?

  • Katy
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Despite government efforts to get more people on public transport to cut congestion and pollution, Britons would still rather hop in the car. As governments around the world look for ways to get citizens out of cars and onto public transport for health and environmental reasons, a new YouGov survey reveals that it won’t be […]

Falling short of salary expectations

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When you start in the world of work after finishing school, you imagine working up the corporate ladder until you eventually achieve a salary that you expect can sustain yourself. In new figures however, it seems that a lot of us are falling short of these expectations. Deciding what you want to be when you’re […]

Where would you move for work? Cambridge, apparently

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A new YouGov Omnibus survey has asked how willing British workers would be to move to each of Channel 4’s shortlisted locations for its new HQ in order to keep their job, as well as an additional five for good measure. Topping the list is Cambridge – not on Channel 4’s shortlist – which 45% […]

The best ‘boss friendly’ place for a tattoo

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Where are your inkings hidden…? A tattoo on your lower back is the place least likely to put off potential employers – and, unsurprisingly, face inkings will reduce your chances of landing a new job. The findings come from a new YouGov Omnibus HR decision makers survey about tattoos and employment. The results reveal that face […]

What’s for dinner tonight? (Or do you call it tea?)

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Forget ‘Laurel or Yanny’, the question that’s long divided offices and homes is ‘dinner or tea’? And who’s right? New YouGov analysis among more than 42,000 English people reveals that across England as a whole, the majority (57 per cent) call it ‘dinner’, while just over a third (36 per cent) opt for ‘tea’. The […]