
Firefox and Chrome users more committed at work

Firefox and Google Chrome logos

Techies around the world often argue about which web browser is the best, but new research shows your choice might say more about your work habits. Studies show Firefox and Google Chrome users are more dedicated to their jobs than those who pick Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Professor Adam Grant released the findings of research conducted by Michael Housman in his new book Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World. Looking at 30,000 customer service agents around the world, he found thatย those who use Firefox or Chrome tend to stay at their jobs 15% longer than Internet Explorer and Safari users. Theyโ€™re also 19% less likely to miss work.

For customer service agents, their choice of Firefox or Chrome also meant their sales were higher and their call times were shorter. They also reached a certain customer satisfaction level within 90 days, while Internet Explorer and Safari users took 120 days to reach the same numbers.

Chrome and Internet Explorer largely dominate the web browser market (41.6% and 41.3% of users). Meanwhile, Firefox and Safari share the majority of the remaining demographic (9.76% and 4.91%), with Opera coming in at 1.89% and Konqueror at .01%.

PCs typically come with Internet Explorer as a the default browser, while Macs are installed with Safari. Nearly two-thirds of the agents surveyed stick with the default browser, while the rest made the effort to download Firefox or Chrome. The researchers believe this shows a level of resourcefulness and initiative that translates to the employeeโ€™s work ethic.

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