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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Beyoncé scolds her PA on the red carpet

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PAs have to be prepared for anything, including the occasional scolding from their boss. Beyoncé’s PA learned the hard way this week that it doesn’t pay to get in the diva’s way. Walking the red carpet at the Tidal X: 1020 live music event in Brooklyn, New York, “Queen B” wore a revealing low-cut red […]

Staff say ‘bah humbug’ to Christmas parties

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There’s still two months to go and four out of five people are already feeling underwhelmed by their work Christmas party. Despite this year’s festivities still being a whole two months away, a recent survey carried out by indoor skydiving specialists Airkix reveals that the majority of workers are feeling indifferent about their office or team Christmas […]

New national mentoring initiative kicks off

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Packed with 35 useful ideas, the companion guide to National Mentoring Day is essential for those wanting to play a part in raising awareness of mentoring.   The countdown to the UK’s first National Mentoring Day has begun, with mentors, mentoring initiatives and organisations across the country about to be put in the national spotlight. […]

Smart building experience for the agile work environment

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New integration between Condeco and Serraview paves the way for the next generation of smart buildings and data-driven workplace management.   Condeco Software and Serraview, two global leaders in workplace management technology, today announced a partnership that will provide enterprise clients with the tools needed to optimise their space utilisation, move towards agile working and support […]

Has Shared Parental Leave delivered?

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New research into the impact of Shared Parental Leave on businesses and their employees has revealed that while just 2% of companies have experienced significant take up, 38% say they have received interest and momentum is definitely building. A joint study by My Family Care, the company that helps businesses introduce family friendly working practices, […]