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Friday, April 8, 2016

Nearly 1 in 7 adults now use colouring books in the workplace

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Workers around the UK are swapping their keyboards for crayons, with almost one in seven (14%) using colouring books at work for productivity and relaxation, a new study has revealed. A survey by global office supplier Staples has found we’re becoming a nation of colourists, with almost a third (29%) of UK adults owning an […]

How to find meaning in your work

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There are some days when work is a real drag; you might start to question why you do what you do. When you’re struck by these moments of woe, think about the following words by Paolo Gallo, Chief Human Resources Officer at the World Economic Forum to help you find meaning in your work. Gallo […]

Energy efficiency tips to cut bills in the workplace

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No matter what type of business you work for, it’s important to make every penny count to ensure your business is on the road to success. There are many costs that are unavoidable for all businesses – energy being one of them. Unfortunately it can also be the one that accounts for the biggest outgoing […]

Americans would move jobs to find happiness

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We have our own work ideals here in the UK, but new research shows that money and perks aren’t always enough for our counterparts across the pond. A study finds many Americans would move jobs in order to find happiness. The research commissioned by Cornerstone OnDemand reveals that career satisfaction and work-life balance are the […]

Friday fun: Super Human Resources

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Looking for a bit of light reading to pick up on your lunch break? Comics aren’t everybody’s “thing”, but publisher Action Lab is set to print a new series based on its storyline about a human resources temp who works for a group of bumbling superheroes called Super Human Resources. The story is about Tim, […]