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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Women book flights earlier and pay less

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Women book their flights 1.9 days earlier than their male counterparts, according to Carlson Wagonlit Travel’s (CWT) analysis of 6.4 million air booking transactions. They therefore pay an average of around 2% less for their tickets than men. The full findings are published today by CWT in a white paper: “Gender differences in booking business […]

Research reveals the most dreaded work conversations

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Requesting a meeting with your boss or a colleague is nerve-racking, but the topic of conversation is what makes most people uncomfortable. New research by marketing firm Fractl shows exactly which conversations are the most dreaded at work. The survey reveals that 66% of people go into a difficult conversation planning to be agreeable and […]

Skyline partners with YourWelcome to provide touchscreens at London properties

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Skyline Worldwide, a leading brand in the field of serviced accommodation, has entered into partnership with YourWelcome. By the end of April, all Skyline serviced apartments in London will be provided with touchscreen technology devices loaded with the YourWelcome app. The YourWelcome app enables accommodation providers to create their own welcome video and instruction guide […]

6 ways to improve your work-life balance without taking a pay cut

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Work-life balance was the top reason people decided to look for a new job last year, with many saying they’d take a pay cut for more flexible arrangements. But Career Coach Caroline Ceniza-Levine says it’s not always necessary to prioritise your personal life over money and vice versa. She says there are six clear steps […]

Organise the event of a lifetime with Guinness World Records

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With the PA Life Summit fast approaching, we thought we would give you a sneak preview of how Guinness World Records works with PAs to create the incredible employee engagement experiences that Guinness World Records will be showcasing at the summit. Thinking about summer parties, Olympic sports days, Halloween and maybe – dare we say it – […]