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New virtual programmes designed to help business professionals lead, inspire and connect

RADA Business, is continuing to expand its virtual performance training by launching three brand new programmes, whilst having already moved another six online to keep up with demand.

This announcement comes as many leaders continue to face significant challenges, communicating and managing their teams through uncertain times, remotely.

The virtual programmes have each been designed to help business professionals lead, inspire, and connect with an audience in any situation. Equipping them with techniques to perform better at work, by mastering the art of leadership, communication and public speaking.

The virtual series includes:

They take place throughout Winter, Spring and Summer 2021.

All programmes are delivered virtually, yet are designed to help participants improve their confidence and performance in-person, as well as when working remotely.

Jessica Moores, Head of Open Courses at RADA Business, comments: “It’s fantastic to be able to extend our online offering and equip business professionals with the skills and techniques they need to master the art of communication and workplace performance, whether they’re working remotely or in-person.’

Our aim is to deepen each participant’s understanding about how to use their body, breath and voice to maximise their communication impact whilst connecting authentically to the audience. During a time where remote working has become the norm, many have had to adjust to this new way of communicating. We are delighted that this suite of virtual programmes enables us to support people, across the world, with such ease.”

For information about RADA Business, please visit for further details.

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