Imagine you are stranded at the airport on your way to an important customer meeting. You urgently need to get a message to the office or the customer but have lost access to the data on your phone. What do you do? If the answer is “nothing” because you can’t recall the numbers, you are […]
Molly Dyson
‘Digital amnesia’ causes concern for companies
PA to former Orlando Magic player Arenas steals $2 million
A federal jury in Orlando, Florida has found John A White, the personal assistant to former Magic guard Gilbert Arenas, guilty of stealing more than $2 million (more than £1.3 million) from the basketball player when he played in the NBA. The Orlando Sentinel reports that US Attorney A Lee Bentley III announced that White […]
Engaging content for engaging events
Ben Cole, Managing Director at Inspired Live, drills down into what makes for great content at an event. A great event needs great content – but it needs great presentation too. Whatever the event, it is crucial to create great experiences for your audiences that are engaging, memorable and inspiring. But how do you create […]
office* 2015 is the place to be
Combining a world-class training programme and sophisticated exhibition, office* 2015 welcomes PAs, EAs, VAs and office managers from all over the UK. Returning from 13–14 October at London Olympia, be sure not to miss:• 10 Keynote speakers sharing their fascinating stories of colourful careers in the media spotlight, including Judith Croasdell, Stephen Hawking’s former PA, […]
RSVP now for the award-winning Cavendish Conference Centre Showcase
Fresh from winning at the recent Conference Awards 2015, Cavendish Conference Centre continues to raise the bar with a refreshed look. The Auditorium, along with the Whittington Suite, ideal for exclusive use for product launches and AGMs for up to 250 guests, has been undergoing an exciting transition this August. Dermot Waldron, Operations Director and […]
US admin starting salaries set to rise
The 2016 Salary Guides from Robert Half reveal US starting salaries for professional occupations are expected to increase an average of 4.1 percent next year. The creative and administrative professions each registered projected starting salary gains of 3.8%. Overall starting salaries for administrative professionals are expected to rise 3.8% in the coming year. As business […]
Brits spend three hours a day on web
The average Briton now spends one in six of their waking hours online, as we spend more time using social networking sites. A study of 73,000 people found that UK citizens spent an average of two hours, 51 minutes on the web each day in the first six months of the year. And while many […]
Find your perfect place
The Venues & Destinations Summit offers personal assistants and event planners the ideal opportunity to source ideas for new locations during a single day out of the office. Molly Dyson finds out what’s in store Most busy PAs will at some point in their career face the difficult situation of needing to source a new […]
The three As of conflict negotiation
The office environment is the perfect breeding ground for conflict. Most employees will clash with a colleague at some point in their career, so it’s important to know how to find a resolution that ensures both sides of the argument are heard. Here are the three As of conflict negotiation, according to blogger Tim Schurrer. […]
77% of employers to hire secretarial and support staff
77% of employers have claimed that they are planning to hire secretarial and support staff in the second half of 2015. The results of the Robert Walters Hiring Intentions Survey have also shown that demand is highest for junior level employees (54%) with mid-level employees also widely sought (43%). Anticipated new business opportunities have […]
Bosses feeling generous for Rugby World Cup
New research by recruitment specialist Robert Half reveals that generous bosses across the UK will allow employees to escape the transport scrum and leave their desks early to watch the Rugby World Cup 2015. With some games kicking off as early as 2.30pm, employers are allowing staff members who traditionally work nine to five significant […]
Ignore those interruptions
It sometimes feels like the world is trying to stop us from doing our jobs, with endless phone calls, emails and meetings. Here Andrea Osborne gives her best advice for avoiding common distractions Emails, Pinterest, Twitter, phone calls, favours for a colleague or client – all examples of the many distractions and interruptions that challenge […]
Former BCE EA investigated for insider trading
Quebec’s securities regulator is investigating Renée Morier, a former EA to a senior officer at Bell Canada Enterprises over allegations of insider trading that allegedly netted her family and friends CAD$1 million (£490,000). The Autorité des marches financiers (AMF) recently executed search warrants and obtained freeze and cease-trade orders against the EA, who is accused […]
A memo from Emily Mills
In 2012, my colleague Victoria Norris and I had identified that the PA role was changing; an evolution was taking place and the tangible impact of a PA on all aspects of business was worth sharing, supporting and profiling and as a result, we set about creating the Norwich PA Network. There was one problem; […]
Penelope Alice samples tea and a tour at the National Theatre
Those of you who have attended theatre outings with PA Life in the past know that I’m a big fan of the stage. So I was happy to jump on the chance to take a tour of the National Theatre and sample afternoon tea at the new House restaurant. The tour is a great way […]
Care of company cars causes confusion
Fleet managers are under constant pressure from budget restrictions and wear and tear charges often feel like a sting in the tail at the end of a leasing contract. The lastest survey from Venson Automotive Solutions reveals that 58% of company car drivers think it’s their employer’s responsibility to get the car serviced at the […]
Tips for networking with other admins
Nancy D O’Reilly, author of Leading Women: 20 influential women share their secrets to leadership recently caught up with Business Management Daily to explain how admin professionals can use the advice contained in her book. She says there are some very simple ways PAs and EAs can network to learn from others. O’Reilly believes the […]
Sourcing an inspirational speaker
They often say that a keynote speaker can have a large impact on an event; in some cases they are pivotal to the proceedings, especially when there is an important message to deliver or staff to be motivated. Choosing the right person is a potential minefield where sometimes even the simplest factor can be overlooked […]