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A skilled approach

Transferable skills are key to success when moving jobs

What employers want: the transferable skills that will land you a job in 2017, courtesy of the experts at Love Success

If you’re hoping to find a new job in 2017, it’s important for you to know what transferable skills you have to offer an employer. Sure, the role you’re going for might require certain qualifications and experience, but it’s the transferable skills that you’ve carried from job to job that will make your application stand out – they’re the icing on the cake of your CV, say the experts at Love Success.

So which transferable skills (sometimes known as ‘soft skills’) are employers looking out for in 2017? For those looking to improve their employability with these useful abilities, take note of these four.

Having great communication skills has never been so important, especially with the sheer variety of ways in which we can communicate nowadays. Even if your role isn’t customer-facing, you’ll still need to be able to effectively get your point across in emails, in person, over the phone, in a video conference, or in the form of a presentation.

Tip for improvement: Cut out the conversation fillers – try to form concise sentences that get to the point, without resorting to ‘um’, ‘err’, or ‘like’ every few words. Practise interviewing yourself to get the hang of it.

Being able to collaborate is incredibly useful in the working world of today – especially when projects are worked on in the cloud by numerous individuals before being turned in. Employers want to know that you’re able to work within a group, putting across your own ideas while still being able to compromise whenever necessary.

Tip for improvement: Learn to listen when collaborating. Your colleagues’ input is every bit as important as your own – and after all, two heads are better than one.

Analytical skills
Even if the role you’re applying for doesn’t necessarily demand that you pore over statistics, charts and graphics, in the age of big data it pays to be able to leverage data to your advantage. Analytical thinking can also help you to be more logical and see the bigger picture – ideal if you’re working in an industry where emotions can be swayed (like marketing, for example).

Tip for improvement: Whenever you’re drawing any type of conclusion, make sure you have a fact or statistic to back it up.

Commercial awareness
All bosses in 2017 will expect you to have some kind of awareness about the industry you’re working in, or hoping to work in. What are the latest trends in the industry? Who are the big players? Which firms do you compete with directly to land business? How is your target market changing? Knowing the answers to these questions is sure to impress a potential employer; after all, someone who has an in-depth understanding of the industry they want to enter is far more likely to be an asset to the business.

Tip for improvement: Research. Start off by researching the organisation you’re applying for, then branch out. Read up on some other firms, examine the market trends online, become familiar with influencers in the field and subscribe to a trade magazine or industry periodical to remain up-to-date.

Love Success is a specialist recruitment agency for both support roles and executive positions. To find out more, visit