
Advice for top crisis management

Try as you may, things don?t always go to plan at work and emergencies arise. One of the most sought-after skills in a PA is the ability to remain calm under pressure, so instead of hiding from the situation, take control with these top tips.

It won?t go away Ignoring a problem or allowing a colleague to fix it when you could easily handle the situation on your own is guaranteed to make your boss reconsider your position. Take charge and don?t give them an excuse to find a new PA.

Don?t overthink it Imagine your crisis as a car accident; now is not the time to analyse what went wrong. Find a solution to fix the problem first and come up with ways to prevent it happening again later.

You can?t always plan If a crisis could be predicted, it would never become a problem. Use your common sense and don?t be afraid to ask for help if you can find the answer on your own.

Notify your boss The first thing to do in a crisis situation is inform your executive. He or she will appreciate your honesty in keeping him or her and the loop and might even have prior knowledge that can help. Never point the blame, even if the problem is somebody?s fault.

Form a team Find colleagues who have the right knowledge to solve the specific problem and garner their help straight away. This keeps a crisis from consuming the attention of your whole team. Assign one of them as the main contact to handle all communication until a solution is reached.

Take your time The worst thing you can do during difficult times is act in haste. Plan your actions carefully to minimise further damage while working toward a solution in a timely manner. Be aware that the stress of a crisis can have a negative effect on your team?s productivity.

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