
Avoid these annoying personalities

Try as you might, you may not always get on with all your colleagues and there are some you?d probably go out of your way to avoid. See if you recognise any of these irritating characters and then, if you want to be seen as a team player, resolve not to imitate their bad behaviour.

The rose-tinted spectacle wearer This person has raised nostalgia to an art form, rambling on interminably about the past and how things were so much better then. If you carry on like this, you?ll come across as someone who can?t handle change, so make sure your own approach is less rigid and more flexible.

The fault-finder Nit-picking and criticism are this person?s stock in trade. They are so negative they bring down the whole atmosphere of the place. Constructive feedback may have its place, but take care not to trash colleagues? work for no good reason.

The snitch No-one likes a tell-tale, so don?t follow the backstabber?s terrible example and instead aim to conduct yourself in a way that is above reproach at all times.

The chatterbox This kind of co-worker may seem appealing, with their ready banter and amusing anecdotes, but in fact they?re a distraction for all concerned and represent a serious threat to your productivity.

The competitor This one wants to be a winner at all costs, but seems to have forgotten the old clich? about their being no ?i? in team. Remember that you?re all aiming for the same common goal and only thinking about number one is the height of selfishness.

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