
Businesses should prepare for a surge in holiday bookings

Over the next few months, employers can expect to be inundated with annual leave requests warns Adrian Lewis, Director of Activ Absence. And he believes this makes it more important than ever to have robust systems in place to manage these requests and prevent HR getting overloaded.

Following the Governmentโ€™s announcement of how it will ease lockdown restrictions in England, holiday companies have reported a large rise in bookings. TUI said bookings for foreign trips jumped 500% overnight, andย the owner of UK-based holiday firms Hoseasons and claims it has sold a record 10,000 breaks.

Activ Absenceโ€™s Lewis offered: โ€œIn England at least, there are specific dates earmarked for when restrictions might ease, with self-catering accommodation set to open up on April 12th, hotels on May 17th and then all restrictions ending on June 21st, with the possibility of foreign travel being allowed then too.

โ€œOver the coming weeks HR teams are likely to become overloaded with requests for holiday leave as many employees have put off booking anything until this announcement but are desperate to get away at the first opportunity. Managing this could be difficult if they donโ€™t have good processes in place, so they can keep track and avoid any clashes, especially with many employees still working remotely.

โ€œOften we find that smaller companies are still using paper-based systems and recording holidays on bits of paper or using spreadsheets which sit on one personโ€™s computer. This can become cumbersome to manage, as well as time consuming and mistakes can creep in. We recommend employers use digital systems to make monitoring and tracking staff leave simple, accurate and time efficient.

โ€œAbsence management softwareย takes the responsibility of managing leave away from HR as requests are sent direct to line managers, helping to reduce admin for HR. This software also gives companies access to data and reporting tools, so they can see in real-time who is off when, track trends such as someone taking a lot of sick leave and ensure no holiday clashes.

โ€œAs restrictions are eased this can reduce the workload on HR and enable companies to focus on getting their business back up to full speed again.โ€

Find out more about absence management software here.