
Hi-de-hi campers! Penelope Alice takes a visit to Butlin’s in Bognor Regis

We have sent our budding PA Penelope Alice to Butlin’s Bognor Regis to find out a bit more about what you can expect when booking a corporate event at the holiday resort.

Butlin's conference Room

I must admit, it has been quite a few years since I was last lucky enough to visit the Butlin’s in Bognor Regis and how things have changed.

Bognor Regis is easily accessible for those that drive, it’s also just an hour from London on the fast train.

As we arrived at Butlin’s, we were greeted by a charming security guard, checking our names were on the list at the gate. It was all very high-end making it perfect for a corporate event. As we went through the gate, we saw the newest hotel on site. It looked magnificent and large, a real talking point, away from the chalets of yester-year.

After parking in one of the many car parks around the site, we were directed to the conference centre. Still on the lookout for a red coat, we entered a stylish and modern building with all the tech needs of any current business.

The conference centre has a large bar reception, which had a neon pink glow, rivalling any bar I’ve seen in London recently. The conference rooms varied in size but all came equipped with comfortable desk seating, tables and good natural light.

Within moments of being in the centre, we were treated to a lovely cup of tea and talked through all of the available options regarding room space and sizes. As you can imagine, it’s difficult to book events during the school holidays but there was no need to panic, the rest of the conference team are more than happy to help out with any event needs you may have.

Once the talk had finished, we were escorted through the grounds of the resort to one of the many restaurants. It was all very grand and looked like such fun.

The restaurant was comfortable and again felt very modern, keeping with the theme of the rest of the resort. As we sat down, I must admit I was rather dreading what could have been served, with thoughts of nostalgia running through my mind but quickly my mind was changed. With a promising gin menu and exquisite food and staff that catered for our every need it was all rather nice.

Butlin's Food

After the last of us had finished eating, we were shown round the resort spaces, which included some excellent hosting rooms and large stage event space. Making it great for larger events and gatherings.

Upon completing the tour, we were all ready for some fun, between the numerous shops and activities, I can safely say I was spoilt for choice.

We ended up, however, at the on-site funfair filled with all your usual fun needs, from the waltzers and bumper cars to the hall of mirrors and go-kart track. Many of us decided to give everything ago and after a lot of fun, we deduced that it would be a very entertaining place to head to after a conference or meeting.

We were ready for a sleep after the fun fair so we decided it was about time to be shown around one of the three hotels on site, it was comfortable, quiet and had excellent Wi-Fi coverage. You could feel comfortable and professional without ever realising that there might be a family with three children in the room next door.

The day ended with us taking afternoon tea in the conference centre. It was a beautifully British with fresh scones, profiteroles and fresh strawberries.

As we departed, we were given a rather trendy re-useable bag containing: a pen, contact information, a large chocolate bar and my favourite item, a Billy teddy bear.

Butlin's bags

P.S. For those of you interested, I finally saw a red coat on the way out of the resort. They had been putting on a play all afternoon and were too busy for my silly game of hide and seek.

Rooms and spaced at Butlin’s Bognor Regis:


Conference Centre
Boardroom ( up to 8 delegates)
Kent Suite
York Suite
Windsor ( Kent and York combined)
Princes Suite
Regency Suite
Grosvenor Suite ( Princes and Regency combined)

Centre stage
Skyline Pavilion
2 Theatres ( approx. 200 delegates in each venue – Discovery Studio and Character Theatre)




Shoreline – 160 rooms
Ocean – 200 rooms
Wave – 244 rooms ( of which, 29 apartments)


Atlantic Bay and Oyster Bay – approx. self-catering 530 apartments

Hard to book a space during…

When the schools are out ( February half term, Easter, May half term, Summer Holidays, October half term)
Adult music weekend ( approx. 21 weekend)

Easy to book a space during…

Our opportunity midweeks (usually the first part of January, February excluded half term, the first part of March, November)

Please follow the link below to find out more with details descriptions and further information: