
How to set up a PA network

How to set up your own PA network

Debra Jacobs is the Founder and Chair of the RBS PA Network. Here, she shares her experience on setting up a PA network and top tips on how you could do so too.

So, where to begin. Well firstly, thereโ€™s no right or wrong way to set up an internal network within your organisation; each company is different. Secondly, itโ€™s not going to be easy. You will need to be determined, resilient, dedicated and most importantly passionate.

The last 12 months have been a roller coaster ride. At our first network event, only nine out of 50 confirmed attendees showed up. At first I was really angry and upset, but on reflection we had nine really engaged PAs who wanted to make a difference and this was a fantastic starting point.

Try not to get discouraged. We are now 520 members strong and counting. You need to be brave, bold and tenacious and realise how much support is out there to help you and the network succeed.

I could not have set up the network without the support of my leader, my colleagues, the PAs themselves and my external PA network. They have offered a sympathetic ear, guidance and challenged my approach and way of thinking. This in turn has helped me to develop my confidence, decision making abilities, determination, resilience, leadership skills and belief in the value of what I have been trying to achieve.

The PA network is definitely having a positive influence on the way the PAs work together, support their leaders and have better clarity on business priorities. It has been an extremely busy, and challenging but rewarding 2016. I am extremely proud of what the network has achieved in such a short amount of time.

Here are seven key points to bear in mind when starting up your network:

  • Not everyone is going to be interested in joining your network.
  • You donโ€™t need to have a budget.
  • See if HR will support or lead on this initiative.
  • Set up a committee/regional hubs, allow others to be involved and take ownership.
  • Speak with your internal communications teams and get them to promote the network.
  • Donโ€™t listen to negative people; it will take time. It will be hard work AND it will all be worth it.
  • Enlist the help of others, delegate and reach out.

Debra JacobsFor the past 10 years, Debra has worked for a variety of global organisations, always within the HR function supporting at director level. Debra has been at RBS for six years working within Group HR Functions and is both Founder & Chair of the PA Network at RBS. From a standing start in January 2016 the network now has more than 520 members from across the bank. In her spare time, Debra is an avid afternoon tea fanatic and is working her way through the top 20 best places for afternoon tea in London. Twitter: @debrarjacobs