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How to tell your boss you’re leaving

Research reveals the factors that affect staff retention

You’ve aced the interview and secured yourself a job offer. Now for the last hurdle – telling your boss you’re leaving. No matter what kind of relationship you have with your executive, having that ‘I quite’ conversation is still nerve-wracking. To help you keep your head held high throughout the process, here are some tips from The Muse for breaking the news to your boss.

Remember you’re not the first person to leave
People quit their jobs all the time, for one reason or another. Don’t get yourself into the mindset that you’re letting your boss down by leaving. However, be prepared for an adverse reaction, which might come in the form of a counteroffer or a negotiation to get you to extend your notice period.

Practise the conversation in your head
Go into the meeting with a plan of action. You’re the one handing in your notice so you should be the one in control of the conversation. Plan out exactly what you want to say, including your reason for leaving, how to answer the inevitable question of where you’re going, the date of your last day and an overview of what kind of hand-over you’ll leave for the next employee.

Stick to your guns
If you’ve made yourself into a valuable employee, it goes without saying that your boss will likely try anything he or she can to get you to stay. Remember why you started looking for a new job in the first place and don’t let your exec cloud your judgement with the good points of your current role.

Don’t burn your bridges
It’s always a good idea to maintain relationships with your bosses and colleagues when you move companies. Even though you’re leaving now, you never know when your career path will take you back to a former employer – in which case having contacts could be a huge benefit.

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