
Pick perfect colleagues to be content

Happiness in your job comes from being in the right environment and a large part of that is to do with the co-workers that surround you. In fact, a new survey by Barclays has found that the one thing most likely to make people happy in their job is getting on well with colleagues (26%).

This finding was closely followed by having a good work-life balance (24%). The research also showed that after the atmosphere of a workplace, it is how valuable or important the work we do that matters. One in five office workers feel that doing something they believe in makes them happy, (20%) while the same number say theyโ€™re happy because what they do is useful.

The top ten factors that make people happy at work are as follows:

1 Getting on well with colleagues (26%)
2 Having a good work-life balance (24%)
3 Doing something you believe in (21%)
4 Believing what you do is useful and getting to use your brain (20%)
5 Enjoying a good atmosphere in the office (17%)
6 Being financially well rewarded (15.9%)
7 Having flexible working conditions (15.8%)
8 Feeling recognised and appreciated (15%)
9 Doing something challenging (14%)
10 Having a lot of responsibility (13%)