
Pointers for praising employees

Nearly nine in 10 senior managers said their organisation is good at showing appreciation to workers while 30% of employees gave their firms low marks when it comes to shining a light on their achievements, according to a new OfficeTeam survey. Clearly, there is a difference of opinion about what effective employee recognition entails. Thankfully, OfficeTeam has come up with some top tips for management when recognising the efforts of their staff.

?         Saying thanks. There is nothing wrong with regularly acknowledging employees? great work verbally. Pointing out how their efforts will help the company or assist clients and customers will go a long way

?         Put it in writing. Why not copy senior executives into an email praising a worker?s accomplishment? Or, go one step further – people still love receiving handwritten letters. Prepare a handwritten, personally signed thank-you note for an employee

?         Publicise achievements. Sing praises from the rooftops by featuring standout employees or team achievements in the company newsletter or even include an item at a staff meeting to recognise great achievements

?         Support continuing education. Provide tuition assistance for courses or seminars that will benefit workers in their jobs and subsidise the cost of exams required to attain professional certifications

?         Give a little. Research shows ?reward? is still the most valued form of recognition for employees. Offer gift cards, movie passes or tickets for a cultural/sporting event to employees who go above and beyond on a project.

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