
Quick Fix: Wind Blown Hair

If you?ve discovered that this weather has done no favours to your frizz, and you have no sprays to hand, here?s the perfect quick fix.

June has not been all we could wish and the wind keeps picking up, which is why we thought we?d give you a tip for taming your tresses under such duress. If you?ve discovered that this weather has done no favours to your frizz, and you have no sprays to hand, here?s the perfect quick fix.
Put a tiny dot of hand cream in your hands, rub together, and then run through the ends of your hair. This will give you a quick, temporary solution if you?re about to go into an important meeting, face the boss, or if you?re off on a lunch date. An added bonus is that your chosen potion will also infuse you with its scent so you can really knock the socks off anyone you?re trying to impress; just remember not to use too much and only apply from the mid-length to the tips of your hair.