
Remain resolution savvy

It may be February, but itโ€™s still early enough in the year to set yourself goals for the next 12 months. Keeping up with resolutions can be an arduous task, but maintaining momentum has got easier since the invention of smart phones. Hereโ€™s a look at some of the apps that can help you stay motivated.

Organisation is key for busy PAs, which is why having a handy programme on your mobile or tablet is so useful. ToodleDo allows you to set multiple goals and associate tasks with them so you can keep track of everything in one place. Meanwhile, features a simple interface that makes it easy to organise workplace projects. Plus, you can share information about your daily activities with colleagues.

If your resolutions are focused on personal goals, there are plenty of apps out there to help. With 21habit, you can make or break a habit and monitor it for 21 days using either a free mode or a committed version, in which you invest money that is given back for successful days and donated to charity for fails.

The new year is a great time to start a healthier lifestyle, whether youโ€™re in it to lose weight or simply want to keep fit. Fooducate helps with diets by scanning nutrition labels and alerting you when there are problem ingredients including MSG, added sugars and preservatives.

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