
The reasons why you may not have won that promotion

The search term, how to get a promotion has received a 2.600% rise within the last month alone. Such an uplift reflects the desire of the UKs workforce to further their careers in 2022. Heading for promotion is a great way to make your way up the career ladder, but it can be disheartening if not successful. Here, Sam Covington at Finbri presents the 3 most common reasons a person is unsuccessful in achieving and how to handle it.

You donโ€™t shout about your wins
Covid initiated the working from home movement, which is set to continue for the foreseeable future. In a traditional office setting, itโ€™s easy to witness the successes of colleagues. However, when working from home there can be less of an opportunity to share wins. Often, employees fear shouting about their wins as they are conscious that it will be perceived as arrogance. If you wish to receive a promotion, its vital that the decision makers are fully aware of exactly what you achieve. Always make it unapologetically known.

You held more expectation then work motivation
When in line for a promotion, it can be easy to get carried away and become complacent. Meanwhile, colleagues that are also in line for the promotion can go that extra mile and win the promotion. No matter how close you feel you are to winning the promotion, you never know whatโ€™s going on behind the scenes. Not achieving the promotion can be the result of simply expecting it so much you forget to strive for it. Remember, you havenโ€™t won the promotion until the decision makers have made it clear.

Time required Vs Wins gained
Many expect either a pay rise or a promotion solely based on the amount of time that they have been employed by a company. The time accumulated within a company is not a reflection of what you have achieved. A colleague that has been employed for half the time may brought more of a financial benefit to the company. Donโ€™t believe that you are entitled to a promotion solely due to time accumulated.

Are you frequently complaining?
Issues that arise in the workplace are often the result of miscommunication. No matter how poor a situation is, itโ€™s vital to always remain positive. It can be easy to adopt the belief you donโ€™t complain but are instead offering constructive criticism. Promotions rarely happen to those that are negative, so ensure that if you voice a problem, you pitch at least one possible solution at the same time.

How to handle it:

Look at the feedback constructively
It can be hard not to take rejection personally. Once the dust has settled, ask for feedback with regards to why you didnโ€™t receive the promotion. View the feedback constructively without automatically assuming that the decision makers are at fault.

Know when itโ€™s time to move on
It can be tempting to jump straight into job hunting if a promotion isnโ€™t won. Whilst its important to evaluate the opportunities of progression within the workplace, its important to objectively determine when itโ€™s time to move on and when itโ€™s not. Discuss with the necessary decision makers your progression with the company before making any major decisions.

Evaluate your expectations
Did you attempt to do too much too soon? Do you have unrealistic expectations? Analyse what you really needed to obtain the promotion and whether you have the experience needed.