
Tips for an efficient office

Whether you?re a dedicated office manager or a PA who?s responsible for making sure things run smoothly, keeping a workplace performing at its peak is no easy task. There?s lots to do ? ordering supplies, troubleshooting, dealing with suppliers and maintenance. Here are five tips for keeping the ship sailing.

1 Organise ? PAs are notorious for being organised, but it?s easy to let things get on top of you when there?s so much to take care of. Find a place for everything in the office, from food to stationery. Arranging everything so it can be found easily helps clear both physical and mental clutter.

2 Lay some ground rules ? While you?re the one who has to see to the day-to-day running of the office, there?s no reason for you to become the maid. Establish guidelines for the staff to maintain cleanliness on their own so you don?t have to tidy up after them.

3 Automate ? Set yourself reminders for ordering supplies, whether it?s the weekly snacks and drinks or paper for the printers. Try out new machines that send you messages when they?re running low on ink so you know when it?s time to place an order.

4 Multitask ? Multitasking can sometimes ruin your efficiency, but it?s an important skill to have when it comes to running an office. Don?t allow yourself to get distracted, but try handling multiple requests at once as long as it?s possible.

5 Stay positive ? No matter how stressful things may get, keep a positive attitude when dealing with colleagues. The questions might be repetitive, but snapping doesn?t help anything. Plus, keeping your cool shows your boss you can handle anything.

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