
Top tips for keeping staff motivated in summer time

With the summer in full swing, now is the time when a lot of office workers go away on holiday. Here are some top tips for keeping the rest of us motivated when all we can think about is the outside world.

Maintaining staff morale in the summer months can be a challenge and taking employees out of their work environment for away days shakes things up. Research conducted by the Thistle City Barbican in conjunction with health and energy expert Oliver Gray shows that people are more likely to be creative, inspired and focused in new surroundings. Since most of us would rather not be inside staring at a computer, arranging team-building activities at an outdoor venue is a great idea.

Motivational sessions are a fantastic way to boost creativity. Start your group with 10 to 15 minutes of guided meditation as a way to get everyone to relax. This puts us into alpha brainwaves and increases the likelihood of fresh ideas and inspiration.

Leading up to a holiday people can lack motivation, as all they can think about is their forthcoming break. Try setting your team targets and offer a fun prize or an early finish on a Friday, which allows everyone to go out together and enjoy the sunshine.

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