
Gain a moral compass with Clearwater Events
150 150 Molly Dyson

The recent horrendous attacks in Tunisia have left many PA?s questioning which…

Firms leaving digital data unmanaged
150 150 Molly Dyson

Despite the fact that the use of digital communication is growing faster…

Employees need regular work breaks
150 150 Molly Dyson

Research conducted among employees reveals 70% of office workers want their employer…

Ageism widens leadership skills gap
150 150 Molly Dyson

Workers aged over 50 are routinely being overlooked for promotion despite possessing…

Women retire on less pay than men
150 150 Molly Dyson

Women planning to retire in 2015 are preparing themselves to live on…

Alcohol, drugs major problem at work
150 150 Molly Dyson

Nearly a third of workers have admitted using drugs at work and…

New editor joins PA Life team
150 150 Molly Dyson

PA Life is pleased to announce the arrival of its new editor,…

Get over your ‘holiday blues’
150 150 Molly Dyson

You?ve just got back from a week of complete relaxation, when the…

Save with business rail travel
150 150 Molly Dyson

Rail users in the UK spend a higher proportion of their wages…

UK workers quitting over stress
150 150 Molly Dyson

There has been a focus on stress levels in the workplace in…

Checking in: Ashdown Park Hotel
150 150 Molly Dyson

The UK?s countryside provides a picturesque backdrop for corporate events with a…

Time for exercise evades employees
150 150 Molly Dyson

More than one in three (35%) office workers are too busy to…

Mobile tech key to office ‘appiness
150 150 Molly Dyson

Do you find yourself considering your mobile phone to be your lifeline…

Take the work out of events with micepage
150 150 Molly Dyson

Any EA or PA knows that events are crucial to businesses, but…

Top tips for booking train tickets
150 150 Molly Dyson

If you?re booking multiple train tickets for your colleagues, did you know…