
5 Communication tips to promote workplace diversity

Professional women havenโ€™t been at a loss for advice in recent years – there are countless articles about the ways women can advance their careers.

And while itโ€™s undoubtedly important to show women how to be better self-advocates, thatโ€™s only half the solution. When women do assert themselves, many often feel that no one hears them or takes their input as seriously as they should.

Men in leadership roles have an important role to play in creating an inclusive environment for their female colleagues. When male and female leaders can share the stage, their organizations and industries benefit. And it all starts with communication…


Psychologists have shown that, on balance, men donโ€™t listen to women as well as women listen to men, an insight born out further by brain-based research. It isnโ€™t just that the men in these studies didnโ€™t sufficiently tune in to what women were saying. Itโ€™s also that they didnโ€™t offer confirmation that they were listening, even when they were.

Whether itโ€™s due to inexperience, personality, or some other factor altogether, not everyone gets right to his or her point when speaking. As a leader, itโ€™s your job not to get frustrated if you feel as though a colleague or team member isnโ€™t being clear. Listen carefully, be respectful, then ask questions like, “Can you please elaborate?”

Leaders can also take a more active approach to getting their female colleagues to share their ideas. It can be as simple as saying, “Iโ€™d like to know Lauraโ€™s thoughts, since she dealt with that issue in her last job.”


Resist the temptation to interrupt. Psychologists have found that men disproportionately interrupt women. In a recent study published in the Journal of Language and Social Psychology, men initiated over 70% of gender-based interruptions.

Cutting someone off can seem like a practical way to keep things focused, but leaders should consider the signal that sends. Being interrupted can make the speaker feel that her point is of little value. Instead, be patient. Give the speaker your full attention until she has finished.


Inclusive communication isnโ€™t all about words. Some of the subtler, unsaid clues we drop – even without realizing it – can be as loud and clear as any verbal ones. Thatโ€™s particularly true when it comes to attitude. For a long time, workplaces have rewarded an assertive, even aggressive demeanorโ€”something thatโ€™s been culturally associated with masculinity. Needless to say, that doesnโ€™t suit all men, and it seldom suits women, either.

Regardless of their gender, those in leadership positions can intimidate their subordinates without meaning to. Avoid a strong tone of voice when you challenge othersโ€™ ideas. That behaviour can be unnerving and cause people to pull back or go on the defensive. Leaders should adopt a tone thatโ€™s supportive and encourages everyone to share their ideas, even those they might disagree with. 


Few of us are fully conscious 100% of the time of what our body language communicates to others. But for leaders, thatโ€™s all the more reason to stay attuned to it. Some people remain stone-faced as others are speaking while others smile and nod with approval at those theyโ€™re listening to. Certain body-language gestures fall along gender lines. 


Look at whomever youโ€™re speaking with, show warmth with your facial expressions, and donโ€™t cross your arms over your chest or make any other gesture that appears cold or closed off. These might sound obvious, yes, but body language isnโ€™t something we tend to think about, and being a little more self-aware can go a long way.



Those in leadership positions should reach out and actively support women. Look for opportunities where women in your organization can really shine. If youโ€™re putting together a conference, ask women to play visible roles. If youโ€™re hiring a new team member, make sure youโ€™re considering female candidates. Find mentorship opportunities for talented women on your team, either by offering your own time and expertise to help her develop her talents or by putting her in touch with colleagues who can. 


Since the ranks of upper management in the business world remain disproportionately held by men, male leaders in particular have a major role to play in creating diversity. The fact is that more inclusive work environments help everyone get ahead. 


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