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8 easy tips to rock your next job interview

What can you do to stand out during your interview? And how can you ensure that the interviewer sees your value and can convey that you are the best choice for the position? 


Interviewing can be a hard thing to master. A job interview is a candidateโ€™s chance to show your best face, and it is up to the recruiter to ensure that itโ€™s an accurate face.

Here are 8 tips to help you rock your interview, courtesy of Christine Comaford for

1. Why would working with this company help you achieve it?

2. What is the most important thing in life and how will you ensure you honour it through your work?

3. Discover why you truly want this position. Is this position in alignment with who you are?

4. Know the companyโ€™s mission, values and vision and drill down so you know which elements resonate with you the most.

5. Embrace and demonstrate a โ€˜tribal mentalityโ€™, whereby every person contributes and matters, each individual brings unique gifts to the collective.

6. Speak their language so they experience you as similar to them.

7. Give them some โ€˜same asโ€™: mirror their body posture/gestures, vocal tone/pace/pitch, key words etc.


8. Ask the right questions. Itโ€™s an interviewerโ€™s job to answer specific questions about the company/position. Make your questions worthwhile.


Read the full article here: