
App of the week: Guidebook

Guidebook logo

Welcome back to our weekly spotlight on helpful apps. We focus on a variety of products that are useful for work, personal use, or both, providing our own thoughts on the apps and what you can do with them. This weekโ€™s app: Guidebook.

An intro to Guidebook
Have you ever been in the middle of printing hundreds of event guides for a conference and caught yourself daydreaming about having the whole thing in digital form? Guidebook does just that. You can build an app to act as a point of reference for your attendees, complete with a schedule of the day, sponsor information, a social media feed and maps to the venue.

But Guidebook apps arenโ€™t just a source of information; attendees can create a profile so they can share details with other professionals at the event. Itโ€™s designed to encourage guests to network, which is exactly what the business world needs in these digital times.

You initially set up your app using Guidebookโ€™s website, and once you have it ready to go you can receive a test download code. Even after the app goes live, you can make changes as and when, with the ability to conduct app admin on your mobile. When you build your Guidebook, youโ€™re asked to set up a download link, which prompts visitors to download the Guidebook app, through which they can find your event guide.

Our review
Some of you may be thinking that building an app sounds far beyond your capabilities. The beauty of Guidebook is that itโ€™s so easy, Because everything is done through the website, itโ€™s really no different to filling out information on a form. The system walks you through each step with clear instructions and tips.

To test Guidebook, I chose the free version (you can add more features by paying for a Plus, Premium, or Branded package) and started uploading information about our November PA Life Training Day. Before long I was discovering all the things I can do with Guidebook and I put forward to the team that we should actually continue with the project and release the app for our attendees. So if youโ€™re planning to sign up for the event, be sure to keep an eye out for the app.

Although I manage PA Lifeโ€™s digital products, by no means do I consider myself a tech genius. But I love to learn by doing, and Guidebook gave me the chance to watch an app develop around the information I was feeding the system. Itโ€™s a fantastic way to move your events into the digital age and make them more appealing to those who are glued to their mobiles.

Our verdict
I canโ€™t fault Guidebook for what it is. Even the free version allows you to upload a logo to help your attendees find your guide. It couldnโ€™t be easier for visitors, either; your guide receives a unique code that people can enter into the Guidebook app for a quick and painless download.

The free version may be somewhat basic and is limited to 200 downloads, but considering youโ€™re paying literally nothing for it I think itโ€™s more than anyone could ask for. Iโ€™ve seen some of the more advanced guides in action at exhibitions and trust me ยญโ€“ itโ€™s well worth the money.

Do you have a favourite new app youโ€™d like to review for us? Send it to Deputy Editor Molly Dyson atย