
Brits are choosing coffee over tea

Coffee lovers are drinking more than a thousand cups every year, according to new research by syrup producers Monin that revealed 61% of British workers now prefer drinking coffee to tea. 2.3 billion coffees are being consumed across the UK in cafés and coffee shops alone, with Brits continuing to drink in the office and at home as well.

The study revealed that the nation gulps down an average of four cups a day, and consume almost 1,500 cups every year. In a lifetime, adult Brits are expected to drink around 93,440 mugs of java in their lifetimes, spending around £676 every year. Cardiff was revealed to be the coffee capital of the country, with the average citizen consuming around 1,825 cups each year, more than any other city in the UK.

The coffee of choice is the Latte with 41% declaring it their favourite, while the Cappuccino came in second place. A quarter of us like a classic Americano the most, and 16% like to treat themselves to a Mocha, but a staggering majority admitted the taste wasn’t the most important factor in a coffee. More than three quarters admitted they switched from tea to coffee for the caffeine, either to wake themselves up or to keep them going during a long day. Even if taste wasn’t the main factor, 65% did still admit they now prefer the taste to tea.

The British love for coffee is continuing to grow as people become more health-conscious and educated, around two thirds of coffee lovers believe they know more about coffee than they do wine, and know where to find the proper coffee.

“We are seeing a rise in coffee shops and coffee culture across the country, and this trend is being replicated in the home too,” said Lee Hyde, Beverage Innovation Manager at Monin. “With coffee, the menu options are endless and with seasonal flavours on the rise and iced coffees during summer, coffees aren’t only functional they’re also the perfect fit for socialising too.”

Coffee lovers are in luck, make sure to check out our app of the week, and tea lovers might learn a thing or two too. Where do you stand? Coffee or Tea, let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.