Landmark releases food allergy restaurant guide's food allergy restaurant guide

While around one in five people have some level of food sensitivity in the UK, a food allergy is potentially life threatening for 2% of people. Checking ingredients is mandatory for those on restrictive diets, as well as for PAs trying to organise meals out for clients and colleagues with various dietary requirements, so has released a food allergy restaurant guide to help.

Although sufferers arenโ€™t deterred from eating out, a survey conducted by shows that 55% check online menus before going out โ€“ which means PAs should be in the know too so they can book a restaurant that caters for different diets.

Considering that 30% of those surveyed suffer with coeliac disease (diagnosable by blood tests), 36% with lactose intolerance (trickier to diagnose), 14% with egg allergies and a further 12% allergic to peanuts, knowing what goes into your food is vital.

Subsequently, 2014 legislation requires restaurants to provide allergy information in the form of a Food Intolerance Report, which reports on the 14 EU listed allergens. See that list here.

This handy guide from shows at-a-glance allergen-related information covering 24 brand restaurants, four independent gems worthy of honourable mention and more than 2,800 individual restaurants across the UK, helping you make informed decisions about where and what to eat.