
Career development with Hemsley Fraser

The workplace of the 21st century is one where change is virtually the only constant factor. PAs are increasingly required to adapt to new processes, adhere to new rules and change their approaches to projects in order to keep up with the pace. This can seem rather daunting at first, but change is something we really should try to embrace.

We all too easily get used to and become familiar with the way in which we do things, so when a curveball is thrown at us and a new system or process is implemented, we can sometimes panic. Itโ€™s time to get rid of the negative thinking regarding change and instead welcome the opportunities the workplace of the 21st century offers us.

When innovative procedures are introduced this can be an excellent opportunity for you to learn new skills and find more efficient ways of completing tasks so you have more spare time. It can also provide you with the challenge you need to get out of a routine that may have become tedious.

When you are faced with the challenge of adapting to something new, think about different ways to approach it; write notes on index cards, run through what you have learnt by demonstrating it to someone else, use mind maps and diagrams to visually demonstrate, play around with different ideas, ask yourself questions and answer these to embed the learning and make use of any literature available.

Development of your professional skills set will improve your opportunities at work, so make sure you learn to accept these new challenges as an exciting step forward.

Hemsley Fraser is a global innovator and leader in learning and people development and aims to help employees succeed in their careers through its pioneering and robust learning solutions. Find out more about its Next Generation classroom at