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Evendo launches to share industry expertise and opinions

Evendo has launched, a series of free weekly webinars bringing various industry event experts from both the supply and demand side of the market to talk about team event topics and related areas.

Some benefits include.

  • First-hand advice from leading industry event experts
  • The ability to put questions directly to team event experts
  • Direct Advice for how to leverage team events to benefit companies
  • Become better at planning, organising and managing team events all round

Kasper Larsen, CEO at Evendo, said: “We wanted to reach out to anyone organising a team event to help them be as successful and their event as memorable as possible, at all stages of the event planning process and for all those involved on the day too.”

First Webinar

Date: April 21, 2PM BST

Title: Boosting morale and productivity using remote team building

Guest Speaker: Jonny Edser, Founder & Managing Director at Wildgoose (Virtual team building)

More detail: remote-team-building

Second Webinar

Date: April 28, 2PM BST

Title: How to better manage your remote team

Guest Speaker: Nevil Tynemouth, Director at New Results (Business Events)

More detail: team/