
Former PA sues Joan Jett for unpaid overtime

It appears even the Queen of Rock โ€˜nโ€™ Roll is prone to diva behaviour, as a former assistant has filed a lawsuit against singer Joan Jett for unpaid overtime.

The I Love Rock โ€˜nโ€™ Roll singerโ€™s reputation for being down to earth is in question following a claim by her ex-PA, Bradley Weinbrand, that she is a classic example of a high-maintenance diva.

He says Jett forced him to work more than 70 hours a week with no overtime pay, with menial tasks that included going out at all hours of the night to find her vegan food. She also allegedly made him drive two hours from his home to her apartment to clean her catsโ€™ litter boxes without pay.

The suit was filed as a counterclaim after Jett sued him two years ago for allegedly keeping insurance money from a car accident that belonged to her and building credit card debt using her money. In the official papers, Weinbrand claims Jett paid him a flat rate of $500 a week no matter how many extra hours he worked.

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