
Friday fun: HR department trolls team with office survival guide

Scenario from the Viking Direct office survival guide

Does anybody ever really read the health and safety handbook at their office? The clever cogs in the HR department at Viking Direct didnโ€™t think so and decided to test the theory by including a hilarious office survival guide in their updated documents.

The guide includes advice for improbable situations, teaching staff what to do if the floor turns into lava, or if cats take over the world. As a horror movie fan, my favourite scenario is the zombie outbreak, in which employees are advised to eat pizza every day and use red pens, disguise themselves in red ink and pizza meat and walk like a zombie to safety โ€“ priceless.

You can view the guide in full at And remember โ€“ if youโ€™re bit by a vampire, just buy lots of black clothing and request night shiftsโ€ฆ