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Friday fun

Friday fun: tales of dumb colleagues

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Have you ever had that colleague who spouts the dimmest comments now and then? While they’re usually the sweetest person in the office, you can’t help by wonder how they survive sometimes. AOL recently gathered stories from around the world to illustrate the magic of dumb colleagues. In a great introduction to the world of […]

Friday fun: HR department trolls team with office survival guide

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Does anybody ever really read the health and safety handbook at their office? The clever cogs in the HR department at Viking Direct didn’t think so and decided to test the theory by including a hilarious office survival guide in their updated documents. The guide includes advice for improbable situations, teaching staff what to do […]

Friday fun: expert says you need to nap at work

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Fiona Kerr, a neural specialist from the University of Adelaide has gone on the books to say we should all take afternoon naps, even if we’re at work. Office workers around the world are rejoicing. Kerr says power naps of around 15-30 minutes can improve functionality, increasing alertness, memory, cognition and mood. Research shows short […]

Friday fun: PA superhero to the rescue

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A couple of weeks ago we brought you the news of Super Human Resources, a comic book about a HR temp in a superhero organisation. Well brace yourselves because it has also been announced that there’s another comic book coming out that focuses on a PA to a super heroine who finds herself taking her […]

Friday fun: Super Human Resources

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Looking for a bit of light reading to pick up on your lunch break? Comics aren’t everybody’s “thing”, but publisher Action Lab is set to print a new series based on its storyline about a human resources temp who works for a group of bumbling superheroes called Super Human Resources. The story is about Tim, […]

Friday fun: April Fools’ Day inspiration

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It’s Friday. It’s (mostly) nice outside. And it’s the end of that dreaded post-bank holiday workweek. Hopefully you’ve survived. If you need a bit of a pick-me-up or some April Fools’ Day inspiration, check out these people who were caught having glorious, magical fun at work – and pulling some of the best office pranks. […]

Friday fun: crazy things you do when you work from home

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Working from home is an experience meant only for the strong-willed. One day here and there is usually fine for most, but when it starts stretching into days and weeks, some people can’t handle the isolation and productivity goes out the window. Metro recently summed up some of the crazy things people do as a […]

Friday fun: unusual places to work

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Nobody ever said your workplace has to be a boring, bog-standard office. The Telegraph recently did some searching and found a few pretty unusual alternatives to the typical setting in London. Tired of dry land? Head to Surrey Quays or Regents Canal for boats that can be rented out for as little as £25 a […]

Friday fun: Strange commuter stories

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If you think your daily slog is something to talk about, wait until you hear these 10 bizarre stories of extreme commuters. Entertainment blog Oddee recently picked out 10 of the most unusual commuting tales and they range from the dedicated to the just plain weird. They include a 71-year-old librarian in Washington, D.C. who […]

Friday fun: Facebook’s feel-good interview question

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Facebook is among the elite companies to ask strange questions during interviews, with some technology candidates asked to create codes and algorithms to perform difficult tasks. But through all its head-scratchers, the social media firm has thought up one that makes everyone smile. “Tell me about your very best day at work.” Did that make […]

Friday fun: the ultimate lazy office chair

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Some of you might have a fancy car that parks itself. Well, the geniuses at Nissan in Japan have adapted that technology to develop a self-parking office chair. Yes, you read that right. The Intelligent Parking Chair returns itself to its starting position at the sound of a clap. Motion-activated cameras installed on the ceiling […]

Friday fun: meet the most annoying person at the office

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We spend a lot of time with our colleagues. While some you can consider friends, others are just, well… annoying. And the Fast Company has captured the most annoying person at the office so well in a single video. In the video, “Carol” has some maddening features that make her intolerable, including: Taking your snacks […]

Friday fun: this is why you shouldn’t fall asleep at work

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It’s important to remember that no matter how tired you get, you really shouldn’t fall asleep at work. It’s unprofessional, obviously, but your colleagues might take advantage of the situation, as Reddit user TheOrangeDuke’s work mates did. On the second day of his internship, he dozed in his chair, giving his colleagues the perfect opportunity […]