
Get up early for a career boost

We all know that feeling: waking up to the sound of our alarm as well as the rain pounding on the window and knowing when you draw back the curtains you will be greeted by a grey, angry sky. Hitting the snooze button and postponing the day for another 10 minutes seems like the best option, doesnโ€™t it? Then you oversleep, wake up in a state of panic and have to rush to get ready for work in time.

Making the change and becoming an early riser could be what you need. An earlier morning wake-up is said not only to increase productivity and proactivity for the day ahead, but also has key health benefits. Having more time in the morning will result in you feeling less rushed, which in turn reflects on minimising your stress hormones, as you manage your morning more effectively and have a calmer approach for the day.

When youโ€™ve woken up late and reach the office feeling lethargic itโ€™s easy to develop a case of โ€˜early morning bluesโ€™. Set your alarm that little bit earlier and make time for some of these top morning tips:

Eat a healthy breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, not only does it kick-start your metabolism but it also gives you a boost of energy to face the rest of the day. Additionally, eating a healthy breakfast will mean you are less inclined to snack on unhealthy food.

Plan your day The morning is one of the very few โ€˜quiet timesโ€™ in the day, which makes it ideal for mapping out what you need to achieve and by when. Work out how long tasks should take, what takes priority and what is immoveable in your day. The key is to be realistic when assigning the amount of projects to complete in the hours you have free in the day.

Exercise An early morning workout will give you an energy boost and release endorphins to give you that extra lift to face the dayโ€™s challenges.

Take time to visualise your day Even if itโ€™s just taking one minute for positive thinking and focusing on what you plan to achieve, this will improve your mood and boost your outlook for the day.

This article was contributed by Hemsley Fraser, a global innovator and leader in learning and people development that aims to help employees succeed in their careers through its pioneering and robust learning solutions. Find out more at