
Greek design studio creates hybrid desk-bed

Last week, we reported on tips to tackle sleep deprivation. But sometimes, itโ€™s just not possible to get the recommended eight hours of sleep every night, especially for those who are expected to be available round the clock. The good news is Greek design company Studio NL has created a prototype desk that transforms into a bed that is ideal for power naps.

The bed (pictured above) looks like any ordinary desk, but the top slides back and a side panel folds down to reveal a mattress underneath, with space to store a pillow and a blanket. It even has a place for a small TV for those who need a bit of background noise to fall asleep.

Medical Daily, which reported on the prototype, also outlines the benefits of napping at work โ€“ an activity that often holds the stigma of laziness. The website reports that 30 minutes of sleep during the day can reverse the negative effects of a bad nightโ€™s sleep. It also resets your immune health, helping to combat illness.

Sleep experts have also found that naps actually boost productivity and say employees should be encouraged to daydream if they canโ€™t sleep and write down any creative dreams they have. In addition, an hour-long kip can improve your memory and help you remember details such as passwords, names and phone numbers.

So the next time you feel yourself drifting into an afternoon slump, set aside 30 minutes for a bit of shut-eye. Itโ€™ll be a lot easier to do when Studio NL releases its hybrid desk-bed to the commercial market.

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