
Here’s what the UK thinks about coronavirus and emerging from lockdown

The Toluna and Harris Interactive COVID-19 Barometer is a bi-weekly index that taps into a community panel of 30+ million members providing accurate and timely information on the worldโ€™s perceptions regarding the Coronavirus.

The latest research surveyed 1,078 respondents in the UK and found that despiteย coming out of lockdown, weโ€™re still hesitant to visit restaurants, cinemas, gyms and spas.

That said, we are most confident about seeing our hairdresser, with 38% of respondents planning to go to a hair salon within the next 1-2 months. However:

  • Only 34% of those surveyed will eat out
  • Only 15% will visit the cinema or theatre
  • Only 15% will go to the gym
  • Only 5% would visit a spa if they reopened

When asked about whether theyโ€™ll resume pre lockdown activity as normal, people in the UK plan to do a lot less of the activities they did in pre-pandemic times:

  • 40% of those asked will eat out less in restaurants
  • Over a third (34%) plan to visit the pub less
  • 32% of those surveyed arenโ€™t going to go to the cinema as much
  • 26% will attend live music events less often
  • 19% plan to go live sporting events less often

We also plan to spend less as our personal finances become a greater concern, while overย a quarter (27%) of those surveyed are still extremely worried about their financial security.

In the next 1-2 months:

  • Only 14% plan to spend more money generally
  • Only 9% of respondents expect to buy something of significant value
  • Over a third (35%) have gone without something they usually buy
  • 40% of those surveyed stated that theyโ€™ll spend less money on entertainment following the easing of lockdown

People in the UK are looking to review their savings (31%), their investments (14%), where they bank (14%) and their insurance policies (10%).

To better prepare for future downturns, UK respondents said they want to:

  • Put more into savings (38%)
  • Plan to get better at budgeting (28%)
  • Plan to pay off their debts post-COVID19 (18%)

We are still not confident in holidaying with nearly 68% worried about a second COVID-19 wave

In the next 1-2 months:

  • Only 12% of people in the UK are planning to book a holiday abroad
  • A higher percentage, 17% of people in the UK, are planning a staycation

But we are all prepared to do it again, it seems –ย If a second wave were to hit, people in the UK have said theyโ€™d be prepared to go into lockdown again with 44% saying they could cope with lockdowns that lasted longer than 12 weeks. 14% could only cope with lockdowns of up to 4 weeks, 20% could manage another lockdown for 5-8 weeks, with 11% able to spend another 9-12 weeks in isolation.