
How happy is the nation’s workforce?

In the run up to the festive season, most of us are counting down the days to enjoy a well-earned break. Spirits tend to be up around Christmas, but how happy are people in their line of work throughout the rest of the year? To find out, Workwear Express surveyed 1,020 adults currently in employment throughout the UK.

The answer is, apparently, not very. Just under 35% of those asked said they are happy at work, with only 14% saying they plan to stay in their current job for the next year. Around 39% admitted they feel miserable at work and this is reflected in the number of sick days taken, with 25% saying they’ve taken days off due to being so unhappy.

It’s true what they say about that ‘Monday morning feeling’, as just under 35% of those polled said that Monday is the most miserable day of the week to work.

But why are British employees so unhappy? Poor management seems to be the biggest contributor, with just over 31% of those surveyed agreeing that being badly managed was their biggest bugbear. Having a heavy workload came second, with 29% citing this as their reason for being unhappy.

While average employees vented their frustrations, 28% of those in a management role also said they’re unhappy with their jobs. Additionally, as many as 28% of managers said they feel stressed all the time at work.

Unhappiness seems to be most prevalent at call centres, where 29% reported being miserable, while therapists were found to be the happiest workers.

It’s no surprise that Brits hate working around Christmas the most, with 38% saying they’d rather be at home celebrating with family. Yet more than half of those surveyed said they work during the holiday.

Evidence suggests a more festive atmosphere in the office can help, as 30% said they don’t feel their workplace is particularly Christmas-friendly. Time to break out the tinsel…