
How lockdown has given everyone a new perspective

Over the course of the last eighteen months, nearly every facet of human life and society has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the virus spread, the world changed, and we all had to lead entirely different lives than what we were used to.

One of the most unexpected aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic was just how much it taught us all about ourselves and our society. The long months of isolation provided a new perspective on us as individuals and on our society.

A new perspective on community

The lockdown was particularly difficult for the elderly and those who live alone or in difficult domestic situations. During the lockdown, there was a huge proliferation of online events, groups, meet-ups, and communities to help those who were struggling to feel less isolated and alone during the pandemic.

Many communities around the world came together during the pandemic like they never had before in order to watch out for one another and care for vulnerable people. Groceries were delivered to the elderly, isolated friends were visited in a socially distant manner, and NGOs invested resources in helping those in difficult domestic situations.

Bringing us back to basics

During the lockdown, life was pared down and brought back to the basics. Instead of jetting off for weekend breaks, going out for Friday night pints, and hanging out with friends, we were all stuck at home. While the isolation was incredibly emotionally and psychologically difficult, it also led many people to reevaluate their lives, values, and daily choices.

Instead of nights out and trips, we made sourdough and enjoyed Zoom game nights with friends. Many people started to find joy and satisfaction in the small things such as a meal lovingly prepared, the comfort of a pet, and the beauty of nature. On top of that, social interaction became much more valued and appreciated, perhaps more than ever before.

It will be difficult to take things like concerts, nights on the town, and traveling for granted after eighteen months of lockdown. The lockdown has also helped people around the world reconsider what was wasteful in their lives and what had true value.

A changing world

Although many countries are now transitioning into a form of new normalcy and relaxing restrictions as vaccine uptake rises, COVID-19 remains a serious challenge for city, state, and national governments around the world. One of the most important aspects of the post-COVID-19 world is ensuring safe travel. After over a year of isolation, many of us are leaping at the opportunity to see family and friends across the country, and the world.

Every country has its own travel restrictions and many of them require proof of a negative COVID-19 test. Thankfully there are convenient, rapid COVID-19 test options available to those who need them.

As the world begins to move towards a post-pandemic phase, continued cooperation is needed to keep the virus under control, and easy, efficient testing services are one way to do this.