
How to banish the winter blues

Winter blues. Winter depression. Call it what you will, seasonal affective disorder is a common affliction that causes depressive symptoms during the colder months. Employers may notice a decrease in staff morale, energy and productivity, but there are ways to combat it, according to David Price, Managing Director of Health Assured.

Price says keeping employees happy and engaged is key during the autumn and winter. He points to making staff feel valued as a way to keep them motivated. Many people become more reflective at the end of the year, with work at the forefront of their thoughts and informing staff of business plans and how they fit into them is a great way to make them realise how important they are in the grand scheme of things. Targets can help, but they should be kept realistic so employees donโ€™t feel overwhelmed.

Thanking employees and team members shows their hard work and dedication is appreciated. When staff members feel valued, theyโ€™re more likely to be motivated to hit targets and maintain a high level of productivity.

Most companies are hesitant to invest in training because they think itโ€™s expensive and doesnโ€™t offer much in return. In reality, investing in an employees development helps them realise their potential to grow within the organisation, which in turn allows them to add tremendous value to the business.

Finally, Price says well rested staff are more productive and get more enjoyment out of work. Encourage employees to take regular breaks to give their minds and bodies some down time to refresh. Donโ€™t let them skip lunches and make sure they leave on time to ensure thereโ€™s no pressure to work overtime to complete tasks.

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