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How to create an impressive CV

Trying to find a new PA position can be a challenge โ€“ thatโ€™s why standing out from the crowd is key. Tailoring your CV for each role is the best way to capture the attention of recruiters. By following these tips, you can ensure that your CV makes it to the top of the pile.

Convey an understanding of the job

Employers often get flooded with CVs when they advertise a vacancy. A large part of the interviewerโ€™s job is simply weeding out the candidates who are not suitable for the job. A recruiter often doesnโ€™t have enough time to read each CV thoroughly. They often scan for key terms and experience to shorten their list of prospects.

If your CV conveys that you are qualified for the position, youโ€™ll have a better chance of attracting the HR managerโ€™s attention. Think about the duties of an executive assistant and include those terms. Words like โ€œmanaged, ran, organised, screened and connectedโ€ are often associated with assistants. Including these terms will make it more likely that you will be called in for interview.

Highlight both your hard and soft skills

A stellar executive assistant has the right combination of communication skills, software expertise and good judgment. Soft skills include having excellent writing skills, being punctual and demonstrating maturity. Hard skills include understanding how to use special software, planning meetings and using the phone system. Be sure to highlight both sets of skills on your CV to bring you one step closer to success.

Edit your CV

A great PA is an extension of the executive. You have to represent the executive well in every facet of the job. Being able to communicate effectively in writing is essential to the position. You will be required to respond to emails, type memos and write letters on the executiveโ€™s behalf.

If your CV contains excessive spelling/grammatical errors and typos, the company will assume that you would make these same mistakes on the job. Get a couple of friends to look through your CV to check for any oversights. Another helpful tip is to check out other peopleโ€™s CVs online at a website such as Looking at examples can help generate ideas about the way you can customise your own CV for prospective new jobs.

Pay attention to detail

Great executive assistants pay close attention to detail. Ensure any dates are correct and that your CV is formatted properly before sending it out. Check to ensure that fonts are the same size throughout and that your contact information is prominent. Double-checking your CV to eliminate errors will increase your chances of getting the job.

Reproduced by kind permission of Margaret Francis, a career counsellor with a masterโ€™s degree who writes a blog on career advice at