
Industry knowledge proves vital to event planners’ development in 2019

Learning about the meetings and events industry has proven to be the most important personal development focus for event planners, reports new research.

According to the study that was carried out by The Meetings Show, a survey of almost 200 planners found that 18 per cent would prioritise learning about the industry.

Meanwhile, the same number would focus on developments that are specific to their own organisations.

Of those who planned to rank learning about the meetings and events industry above everything else, more than half highlighted gaining more contacts and product knowledge among venues and destinations, as well as sourcing venues within specific geographic regions.

Other areas that proved to be of benefit to the individuals included gaining more insight on new technology trends, expanding supplier contacts and discovering the latest innovations to events.

“Meetings and events professionals have an incredible thirst for knowledge, so it’s no surprise that so many are keen to further their knowledge of the industry. Event attendees are always looking for something new and exciting, which is why being on top of the latest trends and knowing all about the hottest venues and destinations is vital,” said David Chapple, group event director for The Meetings Show.

“The results of this research will play an important role in our development of the education programme for The Meetings Show 2019, ensuring we cover the topics that are most important to our audience. When it comes to networking and gaining contacts within the industry, as well as learning about venues and destinations around the world, there’s no better place to find everything you need all under one roof, making The Meetings Show an invaluable resource for meetings and events planners.”

Respondents also revealed that they desired opportunities to learn more about social media, with almost ten per cent of all participants including this in their answers.