
Innovative technology drives new business for Good Travel Management

North of England and Midlands-based corporate travel specialist Good Travel Management is celebrating a number of new client wins. In recent months the company has managed to attain contracts covering a range of industry sectors, from manufacturing and offshore to IT and logistics, totalling nearly ?2 million per annum.

The new contracts come on the back of a recent move to a new, purpose-built head office at the Bridgehead Business Park in Hessle, East Yorkshire ? one of the north?s most sustainable business parks. The recent wins cement the firm?s position as a key member of the worldwide travel group, Uniglobe Travel.

Most significantly is the contract to manage all of the UK travel requirements for ThyssenKrupp AG, (UK) a German multinational conglomerate specialising in materials and technologies. After working with one of their divisions for a number of years, Good Travel Management were successful in winning a bid for all of the company?s UK air travel spend.

The contract involves integrating the ThyssenKrupp online platform, Cytric, into Good Travel Management?s own systems and software, with the team supporting the more complex travel requirements offline.

Good Travel Management?s management team worked closely with ThyssenKrupp Travel Management and implemented the bespoke requirements of each business unit in recent months.

Hans Lehrburger, European Travel Managemer for ThyssenKrupp said: ?Good Travel Management went to considerable efforts to ensure a smooth implementation and transition from a position of having multiple TMC?s and direct bookings, to an integrated online platform, Cytric, which is used by ThyssenKrupp worldwide. We then have the benefit of their expertise brought by the offline team at Good Travel Management coupled with our in-house travel technology available to all UK employees.?

Other client wins for the corporate travel firm have also been technology driven, with a high demand for online solutions provided by Good Travel Management including ?Good Travel Manager?, a full online booking tool, and ?Rooms and Rail?, its domestic travel solution.

Kevin Harrison, Managing Director of Good Travel Management, said: ?Our investment in a flexible range of online solutions is now starting to gain considerable interest from new and existing clients. This is also backed up by the expertise of our award winning team of consultants across the North of England and Midlands, giving the best of both worlds for our current customers and target clients of the future.?

For more information about the online corporate travel-booking tools available from Good Travel Management, please contact the sales department at, or call 01482 325780. Alternatively, visit