
Lockdown learnings ‘can help maintain good mental health’ all year round

With Blue Monday nearly upon us, RedArc is urging employers to remind staff that lessons learned during the early days of the pandemic can be applied to maintain good mental health permanently.

The third Monday of January is traditionally known as the most depressing day of the year, brought about by post-Christmas debt, short days, bad weather and failed New Year’s resolutions. However, RedArc believes that many employers and employees are better-equipped than they were previously to deal with emotional wellbeing during the difficult winter months.

Christine Husbands, Managing Director for RedArc, said: “During the lockdown periods, many people found themselves with enforced free time and whilst this was not welcomed by most, it did give an opportunity to discover or rediscover nourishing activities. It’s now time to reflect and think about what we can take forward to look after our own mental wellbeing.”

Whether or not Blue Monday is considered a significant day or simply serves as a reminder that low mood and feelings of depression and anxiety are more prevalent at this time of year, it’s an opportunity for employers to encourage positive activity amongst their staff.

RedArc encourages employers to support staff in the following activities and behaviours that were learned during lockdown:

Husband continued: “Not all staff will have the motivation or means to undertake these activities and even some who do will still become physically or mentally unwell. In these circumstances, it is important to signpost individuals to support and employee benefits that can provide specialist advice and guidance as well as sourcing the most appropriate form of therapy or other professional help. However, the majority of staff will be able to incorporate small changes in their routine that can make a big impact on their mental health.”