
Management-induced stress yields little productivity

Your ability to concentrate on the task at hand is impeded when you are overly worried about things.

This is a main reason why too much management stress rarely leads to the hoped-for productive outcomes.

A bit of stress every now and then keeps employees on their toes and wards off complacency, however a steady stream of management-induced stress can lead to an upset state of mind rarely resulting in focused hard work.

Victor Lipmanโ€™s latest article for on โ€˜Why Too Much Management Stress Yields Too Little Productivityโ€™ talks through the high costs of stress, documenting various studies.

ComPsychโ€™s 2014 StressPulse survey notes that 64% of employees report high stress levels, with 29% missing 3 to 6 days a year due to dress, and 16% missing more than 6 days per year.

An earlier StressPulse survey noted that 46% of employees came to work 1 to 4 days per year and 36% reported losing an hour or more of productivity a day.

Managers tend to increase stress levels because they do not believe they are getting the productivity that want. However, by notching up the pressure it can unwittingly diminish productivity.