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Millennials and employers clashing at work

Millennials and employers clash at work because of different expectations, and that’s leading to some of them getting fired.
 Three factors drive the firings, according to Inc.

Millennials expect too much from employers.

They want extensive training and mentoring that goes beyond the financial interest of the business. They also carry an “anti-work attitude” that shows through commitment to the minimum time expected of them, and a desire for more flexibility. Finally, they prioritise happiness as a need to be filled by the workplace.

O’Donnell points out that the parents of millennials raised them with “external motivators” to incentivize learning and obedience. When the kids are bribed, the future employees expect something for their efforts. A paycheck won’t always cut it when millennials were raised with a different method to solicit action.

Time management and attention to detail.

Millennials are still yet to master the art of independently making decisions and this trips millennials up, according to a survey of employers who regard millennials as “being eager, dedicated people who score high on ethics and integrity. They take responsibility for their actions.”

“The reality is that millennials (like all workers) must learn to find intrinsic motivation (internal drive for work), so they can find real satisfaction and success in their careers,” O’Donnell writes. 

Being proactive.

What employers want are workers who “do their best to proactively seek resources on their own to help them close gaps in skills and knowledge in the workplace.” Millennials who educate themselves. Who work independently. Who expect more from themselves instead of their employers.

If they can pull that off, a large salary with benefits might follow as the economy picks up and millennials become a crucial part of the office.

Read the full article here: