
November declared the month of bad habits

November is the month where most Brits will end up slipping back into their old ways, and not always for the better according to new research. A study by Electric Tobacconist has revealed that the month before Christmas, and the stress it brings, sees a large number of us turning to bad habits to make it through the cold.

More than one in three Brits find November to be the biggest challenge of the year, as days get shorter, nights get colder, we run out of holiday and begin stretching our money to prepare for the gift-giving season. The research highlighted the top habits that prove the hardest to keep at bay during November, with the habit most succumbed to being consuming junk food.

Turning back to alcohol and smoking is a common crutch during November, along with an increase in buying treats for ourselves, avoiding exercise and turning back into the arms of old flames. When quizzed on what makes them most likely to give into old habits during the month of November, 62% said it was having a busier social calendar at this time of year that made it harder to stick to their guns.

47% cited being too busy and too stressed in the build up to Christmas, while 19% claimed it was due to the aftermath of high profile September charity events focussing on abstinence, for example Sober for October and Stoptober. More than two thirds said they found maintaining abolished habits most difficult after week six of a strict regime, with women found to be the worst culprits. 36% admitting to experiencing a loss of willpower in the month before Christmas, compared to 34% of men.

“The vast majority of people will be able to relate to the struggle of keeping strong when giving up something that has previously been a part of our lives, whether it be food cravings or health and fitness related, there’s no hiding the fact that it is a challenge,” said Pascal Culverhouse founder and CEO of Electric Tobacconist. “It is interesting however to see how much more difficult this becomes for more than a third of the nation, in the month prior to Christmas.”

What habits do you fall back into as the end of the year looms? Or do you stay strong in time for Christmas? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.