
Pick up some handy pointers at the PA Life Training Day

Would you like to discover all the tricks of the trade that will enable you to work effectively for more than one boss at a time? Then you need to book on to Angela Garry’s session at the next PA Life training day in June.

With more than 17 years’ experience as an assistant, Angela will look at handling multiple requests for your time and working for several managers; juggling large numbers of tasks whilst keeping a clear head; and methods for ensuring that you can maintain a level of sanity, keep a healthy work/life balance and demonstrate whole-hearted professionalism throughout.

Prioritising and scheduling will also be covered, so you’ll learn how to cope when dealing with multiple demands on your time. There will also be a wide range of tips, hints and practical techniques to enable you to best manage your time when working with multiple tasks.

The training day features 12 compelling courses, each individually tailored for the PA community. Delegates can choose to come for the full day for £249, or for just a half day at £125. The full-day option includes a networking lunch where attendees can get the chance to mingle and chat with administrative professionals from a whole range of different backgrounds.

There are discounted rates available for those who have previously attended a PA Life training day and also for those who are members of the PA Life Club.

To book your place, or for further information, email, or call Jack Risley or Aimee Sontag on 01992 374100.