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Recruitment firm Matching Models demands ‘attractive’ women for PA jobs

Matching Models under fire for seeking attractive candidates

High-end recruitment firm Matching Models has come under scrutiny recently for listing unconventional requirements in its job postings.

The firm hires PAs, hospitality staff, receptionists and flight attendants along with models and staff to run promotions for wealthy clients. It claims to find “ideal candidates” that are “skilled and attractive”.

One listing for a PA/private flight attendant to a “well-known flamboyant aristocratic figure” that comes with a salary of up to £140,000 requests female candidates to have long brown hair, a b-c cup chest and a “classic look”, as well as a degree and previous PA experience.

Other jobs listed include a “sexy driver”, “an attractive and talented female bartender”, and a “beautiful person” to be the new member of a sales team.

The Matching Models website features a statement in which the firm acknowledges how “politically incorrect” its practices are, but says its clients need “the right people” representing their companies.

Critics have claimed the job adverts as sexist, with some going so far as to say they may be in breach of the 2010 Equality Act, which outlaws gender-specific recruitment except in special circumstances such as care work.

Read the original article from The Daily Mail at