
Stay motivated during a job search

Looking for a new job, whether you?re in the market for a change or have found yourself suddenly unemployed, is stressful at the best of times. The constant uncertainty, anxiety over interviews and the sting of rejection is enough to send anyone into an emotional spiral. However, there are ways to deal with the situation without losing your mind.

Establish a structure Humans are natural creatures of habit and we crave control, so the uncertainty of a job search can take its toll. Create a schedule for yourself by setting aside a certain amount of time each day to update your CV and send out applications.

Organise the chaos It?s easy to become overwhelmed by your search if you don?t stay organised. Lay out a step-by-step plan for your goal, as well as for each piece of the process. Breaking everything down into small, manageable tasks stops you from feeling snowed-under.

Pace yourself It may be tempting to line up as many interviews as possible in a short period of time, but this doesn?t help your motivation. If the process is getting to be too much, don?t be afraid to take a break to rest your nerves and replenish your mental and physical reserves.

Gain support Don?t try to bottle up all of the emotions that come with a job search because it can cause adverse physical reactions. Instead, rally support from your friends and loved ones, who can act as a shoulder to lean on and a sounding board for all your doubts.

Know what sets you off It?s important to come to grips with your own emotional state during this process. Learn which situations trigger your stress levels and do everything you can to avoid them, or train yourself to react differently.

Read the original article by licensed therapist Melody Wilding at