
Switching fonts can save businesses money

Staples reveals which fonts are the most expensive

Despite the digital revolution, printing is still a big part of the business world. While it’s common knowledge that reducing the number of pages your company prints can save money, new research by Staples shows simply changing the fonts you use can also cut costs.

Staples looked at the cost of ink when printing various typefaces to find out which ones were the most efficient based on printing 250 standard A4 pages per week using HP ink with a yield of 2,500 sheets. The standard font used in the study was Arial at 11-point size, which costs an average £468 a year.

The office supply company has produced a ‘periodic table’ of fonts to show their coverage and average cost per year, which you can find HERE.

The results showed that Century Gothic was the most efficient of all the fonts tested at just £355.27 per year, saving £112.73 annually. At £518.78, Franklin Gothic Medium is the most expensive typeface – quite a difference from Century Gothic.

To help businesses save even more money, Staples suggests taking steps such as turning your printer off when it’s not in use, introducing a policy whereby employees should only print when necessary and using double-sided printing to save paper.

Of course these rules don’t have to apply for every document. If your business prints official forms or letters to give to clients you can utilise more expensive fonts to make a good impression.