
The average Brit works 38 days of overtime every year

Brits work 38 days of unpaid overtime each year

Earlier this week we reported that UK staff rack up 66 million hours of unpaid overtime each week. A new study has taken this down to an individual level, ย revealing that British employees work an average of 38 working days above their paid contract every year.

Researchers found workers actually graft for an incredible extra 305 hours and 30 minutes each year โ€“ often unpaid and unappreciated. The study of 2000 working adults shows that, on average, people start work at least 17 minutes before theyโ€™re officially meant to, only take 31 minutes of their hour-long lunch break and leave the building 16 minutes after they should.

In addition, people will spend a further 16 minutes at home sifting through emails before and after work. This hard work equates to overtime of one hour and 18 minutes every day โ€“ thatโ€™s six hours and 30 minutes each week.

When asked why they work above and beyond the call of duty, 41% admit they feel itโ€™s the only way they can do their job properly. Six in 10 people claim they are expected to work additional hours and put in overtime as and when necessary, with only 5% of these people enjoying more money as a result. 33% are made to feel guilty if they leave the office first at the end of the day.

Jeremy Hulme, Chief Executive of SPANA, which provides free veterinary treatment to working animals in developing countries throughout the world, said: โ€œI think most people will be surprised to learn that British employees work the equivalent of seven and a half weeks extra each year without any more money to show for it. Thankfully the majority of people enjoy their jobs and have reasonable working conditions.โ€

SPANA carried out the research to raise awareness about the hard lives endured by working animals in developing countries across the world.

However, the study shows there are some positive aspects to the long hours worked by staff in Britain. 45% are confident that their boss can differentiate between those workers who only work the hours they are paid, and those who always do extra. Happily, six in 10 workers believe their management do appreciate the amount of work they put in, and two thirds feel the work they put in is worthwhile.

When it comes to key reasons why Britainโ€™s workers are prepared to work longer than they are paid for, a quarter admit they canโ€™t manage their workload on their current hours and a fifth suffer because of staffing shortages at work. Other reasons cited for working a little extra include wanting to be the best at the job, loving the work, and feeling the need to impress management.

However, putting in extra hours does take its toll โ€“ 54% of people admit they are often absolutely exhausted by the end of the working week. A fifth of people feel at times they need a complete overhaul of their work life balance.